Building a Stop and Search App using police data (part 2) describes the app:
This code allows a user to get stop and search data for a particular location in the UK and visualize it in a spreadsheet.
Here is what it does:
- `onOpen()` creates a custom menu with two options:
— “Get Stop and Search Data” — calls `getStopAndSearchData()`
— “Create Stop and Search Chart” — calls `createStopAndSearchChart()`
- `getStopAndSearchData()` prompts the user to enter a UK postcode, then calls `processPostcode()` to fetch data for that postcode
- `processPostcode()` takes the postcode and uses two APIs:
— API — gets latitude and longitude for the postcode
— API — gets stop and search data for that location
- The stop and search data is written to the active sheet in columns
- A map image of the location is inserted using Bing Maps API
- `createStopAndSearchChart()` aggregates the data by date and writes to a new sheet
- It counts the number of stops per date and inserts a column chart
- The chart has formatted dates, titles and axis labels
So in summary, it provides a nice interface for fetching, visualizing and analyzing stop and search data for a given location in the UK. The various APIs and charts help bring the data to life in the spreadsheet.
The code:
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu(‘Custom Menu’)
.addItem(‘Get Stop and Search Data’, ‘getStopAndSearchData’)
.addItem(‘Create Stop and Search Chart’, ‘createStopAndSearchChart’)
function getStopAndSearchData() {
// Prompt the user to enter a postcode
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
var result = ui.prompt(‘Enter a postcode’);
var postcode = result.getResponseText();
// Call the processPostcode function with the entered postcode
function processPostcode(postcode) {
// Get the latitude and longitude for the given postcode
var url = “" + postcode;
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var data = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
var latitude = data.result.latitude;
var longitude = data.result.longitude;
// Get the stop and search data for the given location
url = “" + latitude + “&lng=” + longitude;
response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
data = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
// Write the stop and search data to the active sheet
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
sheet.appendRow([“Postcode”, “Latitude”, “Longitude”]);
sheet.appendRow([postcode, latitude, longitude]);
sheet.appendRow([“Date”, “Gender”, “Age Range”, “Outcome”, “Ethnicity”, “Ethnicity Type”, “Object of Search”]);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var item = data[i];
var ethnicityType = item.self_defined_ethnicity ? “Self-defined” : “Officer-defined”;
var datetime = item.datetime;
var date = datetime.split(“T”)[0]; // Get date part
sheet.appendRow([date, item.gender, item.age_range, item.outcome, item.self_defined_ethnicity || item.officer_defined_ethnicity, ethnicityType, item.object_of_search]);
// Add a map showing the location of the postcode using Bing Maps API
var mapUrl = “" + latitude + “,” + longitude + “/15?mapSize=600,300&pushpin=” + latitude + “,” + longitude + “;1&key=” + bingMapsApiKey;
var imageBlob = UrlFetchApp.fetch(mapUrl).getBlob();
sheet.insertImage(imageBlob, 1, sheet.getLastRow() + 2);
function createStopAndSearchChart() {
// Get the data from the sheet
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
// Process the data to calculate the number of stop and searches for each day
var stopAndSearchCounts = {};
for (var i = 4; i < data.length; i++) {
var row = data[i];
var date = row[0];
if (stopAndSearchCounts[date] === undefined) {
stopAndSearchCounts[date] = 0;
// Write the processed data to a new sheet
var chartSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().insertSheet(“Stop and Search Chart”);
chartSheet.appendRow([“Date”, “Stop and Searches”]);
for (var date in stopAndSearchCounts) {
chartSheet.appendRow([date, stopAndSearchCounts[date]]);
// Format dates in chart
// Create a column chart using the processed data
var chartBuilder = chartSheet.newChart()
.addRange(chartSheet.getRange(“A1:B” + (Object.keys(stopAndSearchCounts).length +1)))
// Add titles and axis labels to chart
chartBuilder.setOption(“title”, “Stop and Searches by Date”)
.setOption(“vAxis.title”, “Number of Searches”)
.setOption(“hAxis.title”, “Date”);
// Build and insert chart
var chart =;
This code was generated by Bing Chat ai and improved by asking It was built with free APIs and tools.
Bard says:
This App Script is about getting and visualizing stop and search data. It allows the user to enter a postcode and then retrieves the stop and search data for that location from the Police UK API. The data is then written to a spreadsheet, and a chart is created showing the number of stop and searches by date.
The script has two functions:
- getStopAndSearchData(): This function prompts the user to enter a postcode and then retrieves the stop and search data for that location. The data is then written to the active sheet in the spreadsheet.
- createStopAndSearchChart(): This function creates a chart showing the number of stop and searches by date. The data for the chart is taken from the spreadsheet.
The script uses the following APIs:
- API: This API is used to get the latitude and longitude for a given postcode.
- Police UK API: This API is used to get stop and search data for a given location.
- Bing Maps API: This API is used to add a map showing the location of the postcode to the spreadsheet.
The script is a good example of how to use Apps Script to get and visualize data from external APIs. It can be used to track stop and search data for a particular location, or to compare stop and search data between different locations.