Face matches that could change history — if true
Note: All the images were found using betaface api or yandex search and source wikipedia images. All free tools.
- Amelia Earhart disappeared near Howland Island in 1937. In 1977 the wife of a dutch politician returns from holiday in the Dutch Antilles. Probably a coincidence but an interesting face match. The woman on the right would have to be 80 with false teeth to be Earhart. One interesting claim was Amelia was a Japanese POW — and the Dutch Antilles were under Japanese control.
2). A young woman appears in a book of photographs of the 1936 Olympic games saluting Hitler but the names are not given. The winner of one Olympic gold medal is Italian Ondina Valla.
The high score match suggests these are definitely the same woman.
3). A young East German woman was killed in the Bolivian jungle in 1967 she was Tamara Bunke. In 1988 Gertrud Helke was an East German woman in a library. Helke matches Bunke from younger to older. Was she removed from the jungle because she was a Stasi agent with a substitute person killed?
4). Tito’s wife Jovanka Broz matches this Israeli sergeant. Another coincidence or was she a Mossad agent?
5). Eva Braun is believed to have died with Hitler in a suicide pact. But there have been numerous attempts to test or disprove the theory. Many believe Eva lived in America.
Some Norwegian dentists analysed her teeth in the 1980s and believed the teeth identified by the Russians as Eva Braun were in fact Eva Braun. Initially they were skeptical about the inferior quality of materials used in some of her fillings.
This picture is interesting in that a woman in a Berlin cafe in 1953 is a perfect 100% match to Eva Braun. The man with her is a 50% match to Eva’s dentist — Blaschke.