How to Build an App in under 5 minutes (it’s how I do it!)
Starting with and Claude Sonnet 3.5 tell it to “Build an app for LlamaCoder in React” e.g. a calculator. Tell it to keep the styles inline and not a separate css file.
The response is the code it builds:
Then Open LlamaCoder:
Tell it to build a calculator (it doesn’t matter, you are not going to use this code):
Paste the code from Claude Sonnet 3.5 into Llama Coder. You will see the design will be different.
Click Open Sandbox:
You will see:
Copy the link (e.g.
Paste it into your browser:
Then proceed to the preview:
Within 5 minutes you will have built a standalone app. Obviously what you initially describe matters. Ask for something realistic and “WITHIN YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE” otherwise how will you check it is what you want or that it works?
What you do with this afterwards after you. I usually go back to my original code in and ask it to fix or improve something.
It is a repeating cycle. If you get an error go back to Claude Sonnet 3.5 and tell it about the error “PASTE IT IN”. Then repeat around the cycle. getting back to Sandbox.
The MOST IMPORTANT THING is to insist on the whole code so it can be pasted in. It may give a simple fix but it could have changed (improved) something else.
If you want to get smarter — paste changed code into the Sandbox and also ask for a CSS in in Claude Sonnet 3.5.
You can then ask it to write up a guide for your app. You can even ask for modal/modeless online help.
Don’t assume it works. Even a simple calculator may not be working correctly. You need to test it and fix it. Ask AI for the fixes.