I put this on the Norwegian digital archive forum which Terje Nomeland controls I believe.
I am waiting for him to find an excuse to remove it.
He researched Aske's book but whenever I contact him at the archive he says he will reply in 3 or 6 months but then doesn't.
My interest in the case has been researching the American woman (Jane Marie Walentine) to figure out whether she was involved deliberately or not.
One Texan lady Linda Ziemann said she was going to knock on her door in Seattle but then we had Covid lockdown and she lost family members. So she stopped researching. But she put together some amazing details on the family.
Her grandmother Christina Dahl's story is fascinating in that she was killed by an oil truck in a vehicle collision.
There will be a new docudrama this year. At one point I was asked to be involved to discuss Wallentine and Thunestvedt (the girl killed in Strasbourg in a similar manner). But they ran cold on the idea.