Solving Mysteries with Doppelgängers
For the Oslo Plaza Woman ‘to date’ I have found 3 doppelgängers. The definition of doppelgänger is quite loose based on ‘looking alike’ — but facial ID software allows a precise scientific definition. It can mean someone who scores 0.5 or above on the MS Azure facial ID scale.
The following 3 women all score above 0.5 on the MS Azure facial ID scale with the Oslo Plaza Woman:
Jane Wurwand — Scottish by birth, mother Scottish, father possibly Scottish as well. Cosmetics multi-millionaire. She is possibly a time-limited or picture-specific doppelgänger. Not all images of her match. But her profile creates a better profile image for the police sketch.
Susan Ballion — famous singer — born in England, Scottish mother, Belgian father. Coincidentally in Oslo January 1995. Susan is possibly the most perfect doppelgänger of the Oslo Plaza Woman matching consistently in most pictures.
Aida el-Ayoubi — famous singer, born Aachen, German mother, Egyptian father. Briefly retired from singing early 1990s. She scores consistently above 0.5 but never as high a score match as Susan Ballion and only as an older woman aged around 30. This type of matching sometimes happens with sisters.
Science says doppelgängers do not share DNA even though they are 100% identical. They could almost share the same passport. Though their eye and hair colours may differ.
The benefit of finding doppelgängers to corpses is they can bring that person ‘to life’. Their faces can be viewed at different angles. Also software can be used to create average images of the corpse, police sketch and dopplegänger(s) to get a more accurate version of the body.
For example Susan Ballion is the highest score match to the Oslo Plaza woman. She can be used to create an average image of the woman with her eyes open.
These average images help bring to life the Oslo Plaza woman and the police sketches — which might help people identify her.
When facial recognition search engines are used with these average images they find Jane Wurwand, Susan Ballion, the Oslo Plaza woman and Aida el-Ayoubi. But there is also the possibility to find the actual person if that person exists in an image on the Internet.
A new 2022 update:
The researchers found that the genetic sites shared by the lookalikes corresponded to five categories when analyzed using large GWAS databases:
Genes previously reported to be associated with the shape and form of the eyes, lips, mouth, nostrils and other face parts in the general population
Genes involved in bone formation that can relate to skull shape
Genes involved in distinct skin textures
Genes involved in liquid retention, that can give different volumes to our face
Genes of unknown function that can now be related to facial properties