Still working my way out of cancer - hopefully.
My mind had all these dots it wanted to join and Dr Raphael, racing horses, the SM, the two bodies theory, a journalist who works 1933 to 1941 whose final piece as Jonathan Swift was a Rubaiyat of OK parody. Who ends his December 1941 article with "who cares" about his fictional wife Diana. Suggested Carl and Dorothy Webb.
It seems to be a pattern repeat for me with the Isdal Woman. Two women - one dead, one alive. Or one woman thought to be two?
Majavatn mystery - two giant guys 1 dead, 1 alive. Identical clothes. The media only say he was Latvian a few years later. The police had closed the case saying he was American.
I had hoped the SM code was a list of Raphael's own 20 or so horses in purchase sequence but I don't think so. You'd need a QC.