The Impossible Code and the Improbable Answer
The 1948 Somerton Man code has never been deciphered but it is like word DNA it maps out his entire life.
Carl Webb was the Somerton Man. His hobby was the card game Bridge. His wife was Dot (Dorothy) and they lived in Domain Road. He worked at Red Point Tools. He travelled by train to Somerton from Melbourne. His body was found on the sand poisoned possibly administered by a pasty in front of the so-called Crippled Childrens Home. The code was found on the book of poetry by Omar Khayyam tracked by a slip of paper with the words — Tamum Shud — The End.
In 2022 Professor Abbott used MTDNA to work out the female line of the Somerton Man and with genealogy it pointed to the Webb family. The South Australian police who have the DNA have yet to confirm his identity.
Sidney Mitting is a perfect doppelganger (facial ID twin) of Carl Webb.