The Isdal Woman Anagram Name Checker App
2 min readOct 24, 2024
Basic Usage
- Entering Text
- Type your source text in the “Input Words” field
- Type your target text in the “Target Words” field
- Spaces are allowed but not counted in matching
2. Viewing Letter Boxes
- As you type in the Input Words field, each letter appears in its own blue box
- Spaces between words are shown as gaps between boxes
3. Checking Matches
- The application automatically checks for matches as you type
- Matched letters are shown with a checkmark (✓) in a box directly below the corresponding input letter
- Each letter from the input can only be used once
Understanding Results
The application shows three types of results:
- Visual Matches
- Checkmarks appear under input letters that were used in the match
- Letters without checkmarks weren’t used
2. Spare Letters
- Shows letters from your input that weren’t needed for the target
- Example: If input is “elizabeth leenhouwer” and target is “wallentine hour”, spare letters might include “z”
3. Missing Letters
- Shows letters needed for the target that weren’t found in your input
- These are letters you would need to add to make a complete match
- Clear Button
- Resets all fields and results
- Use this to start a new comparison
Example Usage
Let’s say you want to check if “elizabeth leenhouwer” contains the letters to spell “wallentine hour”:
- Type “elizabeth leenhouwer” in Input Words
- Type “wallentine hour” in Target Words
- The app will:
- Show checkmarks under matched letters
- Display any unused letters as “Spare letters”
- Show any missing letters needed for the target
- Watch for the checkmarks to see which letters were used
- Spaces don’t count as matches
- Each input letter can only match once
- The clear button helps you start fresh
Link to the app:
Video of the app being used:
If you click Open Sandbox you can see and copy the code.
100% AI code.