The Solution for AI is Chunking and Delay
If you try to write code with AI it becomes problematic. Yesterday AI told me to make changes that broke my code. I explicitly told it to make incremental changes that didn’t break the code — for example just modifying some values in the code.
At the end it said:
If you program with AI it will often involve multiple iterations. The only time it will get it right first time is if it chunks the code into small sections and then waits for you to say give me the next section.
The problem I was trying to solve was transferring files and it was suggesting ways to fix it by chunking and delay.
It’s like a warehouse delivering Coca Cola. If it delivers it all at once it overloads the retailer and they have to send back i.e. ‘drop’ the delivery.
We know this works for information because words without spaces becomes ‘wordswithoutspaces’. You need the delay between the information chunks to get the message.
I got this code (eventually) “in 1” when it delivered it in 5 chunks with 4 delays.
But you need the enc code (with API keys) and password to use it. Here is how it works: