David Morgan
2 min readNov 13, 2018


There is a twist to the story with another person found matching in East Germany — Aleida March. Both now linked to a trade union. The character Aledia (or doppleganger — if you like) seems to have a senior role whereas Tania the ordinary job.

The maths of finding two dopplegangers in the right region of Germany about the right age between 1988 and 1990 for me would be proof enough they were the original people, after they were both in Bolivia together.

But the key piece of evidence that someone like yourself could resolve is all those Cremer adverts in the Dagbladet — suggesting a presentation of GDR art/sculpture. I believe wiki says it was in Oslo and Copehagen in 1970. I don’t know if Cremer attended. But it creates the obvious possibility of several people being allowed to leave the GDR with some threat if they don’t return. Perhaps one paid a heavy price.

No-one asked who placed the adverts?

With IW buying a newspaper it may suggest she bought it to check the advert — she placed for Cremer?

Also IW face matches to both Tania and Aleida to some degree— suggests some background link. Since it is neither of them if both alive after 1988, then it suggests people are seeing them not IW. They themselves are about 70% dopplegangers of each other. Put a wig on and same clothes and nobody would know which was which.

Anthony is developing facehunter to become professional software.

A final point is I have a name for the Tania ‘doppleganger’ and locations to some extent for both.



David Morgan

Was developing apps for social good e.g. Zung Test, Accident Book. BA Hons and student of criminology. Writing about true crime. Next cancer patient.