Was Jesus in the Turin Shroud a Royal?

David Morgan
May 3, 2022

Arthurian legends have Jesus in England in his lost years. Did he spend his gap years in Priddy? William Blake’s 19th-century poem and the song Jerusalem contain the line “did these feet in ancient time walk upon Englands’ mountains’ green”. According to Harforth and genealogy “…the Royal Family of England is related to Jesus of Nazareth.”

The Turin shroud contains an image that the Pope believes is Jesus. Forensic scientists age-regressed the image of the Turin shroud back through his twenties to teens to his childhood. It appeared on a US TV programme.

A Facebook photoshop artist often progresses images from things like the Turin shroud to real faces. She ended up with a slightly different face. Facial ID software says he is Prince Charles with a beard.



David Morgan

Was developing apps for social good e.g. Zung Test, Accident Book. BA Hons and student of criminology. Writing about true crime. Next cancer patient.